Insolation in Poland – where is the best place to build solar farms?
The efficiency of photovoltaic panels increases with the development of this technology, but one condition still has to be met. It is, of course, about access to sunlight, with the longest possible exposure to them. Poland is one of the countries where undoubtedly there are good conditions for the development of solar energy. However, it is important to know that these conditions can vary considerably depending on the specific location. Therefore, when planning an investment in a photovoltaic farm, it is worth checking which places have the best sunshine. Thanks to the selection of the optimal location, the costs will pay off faster.

Settlement for solar energy. Changes in photovoltaics in 2022
The situation on the photovoltaic market in 2022 proves how the instability of the law changes the rules of the game in individual sectors of the economy in a very short time. From April 1, a revolution in the rules of accounting for energy surpluses took place on the photovoltaic market, which is widely echoed in the media and websites devoted to renewable energy. However, do the changes that have been affected by investments in photovoltaics annihilate its long-term profitability?

What are perovskites?
Recently, perovskites have become loud in the field of new technologies. The name is unlikely to be associated with anyone other than geologists. Meanwhile, this mineral has aroused keen interest thanks to the technology developed in Poland. This is an additional reason why it is worth taking a closer look at it.

Plot for photovoltaics – is it better to rent or buy it?
Solar mini-power plants, popularly known as farms, are an investment that is becoming more and more popular among Polish companies. Thanks to them, you can count on significant savings and independence from fluctuations in energy prices. This is achieved by purchasing or renting a suitable plot of land. Which solution is a better one?